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  1. Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

Welcome to the Terms and Conditions of Service ("Agreement") for the utilization of Our Online Coaching Platform, herein referred to as "Coachery," and its associated entities (“"We," "Us," or "Our"). By accessing and utilizing Coachery, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement, as well as any additional documents referenced herein. Please carefully review these terms before using the Our Online Coaching Platform. Your use of Coachery already signifies your acceptance and agreement to comply with the terms set forth in this Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to abide by these terms you should not and will not be able to use Coachery

The latest version of our Terms and Conditions is always available for your review. Coachery retains the right to modify and update the Terms and Conditions by publishing revised versions on the Coachery website ( .It is advisable to periodically check the Terms and Conditions for any updates that may affect you.

  1. User Registration

You agree to the following terms relating to your registration on Coachery (“Account”):

2.1. To use the Coachery website, you must either have attained the age of majority in your residing jurisdiction.

2.2. To complete the signup process, you are obligated to provide accurate and complete details, including your full legal name, a valid email address, and any other information required.

2.3 You agree that the information you provide upon registration is precise and complete.

2.4. You recognize that Coachery will employ the email address you provide as the principal means of communication. Coachery reserves the right to send email communications to you for the purpose of sharing information about Our products and services. This may include promotional details about new or revised products and services. You have the option to opt-out of these communications by adjusting your communication preferences within the Coachery website.

2.5 The responsibility for ensuring the security of your password lies with you. Coachery bears no liability for any loss or damage resulting from your failure to uphold the security of your Account. You should inform Coachery of any unauthorized access to or use of your Account or password that comes to your attention.

2.6 You bear full responsibility for all activities and content, encompassing but not limited to videos, files, data, graphics, photos, and links uploaded to their website, collectively referred as “Your Content”. Furthermore, you are obligated to ensure that Your Content adheres to legal regulations, intellectual property rights, and community standards. Any violation of these guidelines may result in appropriate actions, including the removal of objectionable content and the suspension or termination of user accounts.

This means

Creating an Account on Coachery requires the use of accurate personal information, and the accuracy of your account details. Be mindful that we retain the right to terminate your service in the event of any violation of these terms. In our efforts to communicate with you, we will utilize the email address provided during registration. It is essential to prioritize the security of your account details, as you bear responsibility for any activities that occur within your account should someone else gain access using your account information.

  1. General Conditions

3.1You are accountable for the activities within your Coachery website and management of your users and customers.

3.2 Support services are extended to all accounts, offering assistance through email and live chat.

3.3 Your ensure that neither you nor your users intentionally or unintentionally use Coachery Service for illegal or unauthorized purposes, violate intellectual property or privacy rights, engage in harmful or objectionable activities, attempt to access others' passwords, violate computer network security, or breach any laws, lend, sell, and transfer, or use the Coachery Service for a third party.

3.4 Questions about Terms and Conditions should be sent to the following email address: [email protected]

This means

We have created Our platform to help you succeed. As our paying users we provide you support through email and live chat.

You are free to manage your business the way you want unless it concerns any illegal, fraudulent and harmful activities.

  1. Coachery Rights

4.1We reserve the right to adjust and change Our prices periodically. While such changes won't affect your current Subscription, they may apply to future renewals or new Subscriptions. You'll be notified of any price adjustments at least 30 days before they take effect. If you disagree with the changes, you can choose to cancel the renewal of your Subscription.

4.2 We have the right to remove any content that we find in our sole discretion as harmful, misleading, fraudulent, illegal, offensive, and indecent without any prior notice.

4.3 If a dispute arises concerning the ownership of an Account, we have the right to request documentation for the purpose of establishing or confirming Account ownership. In our sole discretion, Coachey maintains the right to ascertain rightful account ownership and facilitate the transfer of an account to its rightful owner. Until a resolution is reached between the disputing parties, Coachery has the right to temporarily deactivate the Account.

  1. Payment and Subscriptions

5.1 By utilizing Our payment processing services, you agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Coachery may use third-party payment processors to facilitate transactions, and users acknowledge that their payment information is subject to the third-party processor's terms and privacy policy.

5.2 Subscriptions to Our paid services are billed on a recurring basis as per the selected subscription plan. Users may choose from available subscription plans, each subject to its own pricing and terms.

5.3 You agree that your subscription will automatically renew unless canceled before the renewal date. Renewal fees will be automatically charged to the provided payment method.

5.4 Refunds may be requested within the first 15 days of a new subscription or renewal. After this period, subscription fees are non-refundable.

5.5 You agree to contact Coachery's support team to resolve any payment-related disputes before initiating chargebacks or other payment disputes with third-party payment processors. Coachery reserves the right to suspend or terminate accounts for unresolved payment disputes.

5.6 Coachery may offer free trial periods for certain subscription plans. You are required to provide valid payment information during a free trial. At the end of the free trial period, you will be automatically enrolled in the selected subscription plan unless canceled before the trial expiration.

  1. Terminations of the Account

You may terminate your Coachery Account at any time by following the account cancellation process:

6.1 You can cancel your subscription at any time through the Coachery platform. Cancellation will be effective immediately, and no further charges will be incurred.

6.2 Upon termination of the Account, you lose access to the Coachery Services, including coaching content, website and user data. You are responsible for exporting any necessary data before termination.

6.3 Coachery retains the right to retain user data for a reasonable period after account termination for legal or compliance purposes.

6.3 Coachery reserves the right to terminate inactive accounts. An account is considered inactive if there is no login or account activity for an extended period, as determined by Us.

This means

As you cancel your account subscription we will not charge you further. However, you will lose access to your data, so you will have to take care about it before canceling your subscription.

  1. Website and data ownership

7.1 You retain complete ownership of any intellectual property rights you hold in the content you create and upload to the Coachery platform, referred to as "User Content." Coachery does not assert any individual right over the User content you present on your Account.

7.2 It is your responsibility to ensure that the User Content you upload complies with laws and regulations of intellectual property and does not infringe the intellectual property rights of other coaches, educators and instructors.

7.3 Coachery does not disclose your information to third parties unless it is essential for the delivery of Our Services. This excludes information that

(a)was already in the public domain when received by us;

(b) becomes public without any involvement on our part;

(c) is obtained from a source other than you, without any breach of confidentiality obligations; (d) is mandated to be disclosed by law;

This means

The content you upload remains your possession and responsibility. We retain the right to keep a copy of specific information if legal obligations mandate it. The ownership of Coachery products and services rests with us.